Attachment: How we develop and Form Attachments

The session that helps you understand how to recognise and respond to different attachment styles that young people present to help develop meaningful relationships with them. 
Individually purchased courses will be available for 28 days.
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What you will learn...

Ever wonder why some kids build trust easily, while others struggle?

Dive deeper into the world of attachment with authentic stories, firsthand struggles, and actionable solutions. This CPD-accredited online course isn't just theory. It's a journey guided by those who've lived it themselves.

By learning alongside lived experience facilitators, you'll gain not only theory knowledge but also crucial emotional intelligence. You'll learn to recognise nonverbal cues, decipher hidden needs, and build genuine connections with young people on a deeper level.

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Learning outcomes
Dive into the world of attachment:

 Master the 4 styles: secure, anxious, avoidant and disorganised. Learn how they form and shape relationships.

 Go beyond parenting: Explore how social systems and life experiences influence attachment. Become a detective: Recognise the hidden messages in young people's behaviour.

 Build bridges of trust: Equip yourself with tools to foster secure attachment and nurturing relationships.

This isn't just theory, it's transformation. You'll gain:

 Empathy and understanding: See the world through their eyes, not just your own.

 Effective communication: Speak their language of attachment needs.

 Positive connections: Foster trust and build meaningful relationships.

 Improved outcomes: Empower young people to thrive and reach their full potential.
Patrick Jones - Course author

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