Children in Need: Born to Love and Be Loved
What you will learn...
Step into a world of compassion and understanding with "Children in Need: Born to Love and Be Loved," a comprehensive and CPD-accredited training session designed to empower participants with the essential knowledge, skills, and communication techniques needed to create a nurturing space for young individuals.
This session focuses on fostering healthy attachments, supporting emotional regulation, and building meaningful relationships that offer genuine support.
Cultivating Secure Attachments:
Understanding Attachment: Delve into the core principles of attachment theory, gaining insights into how to cultivate strong and secure connections with young hearts. Learn strategies for building trust, nurturing secure relationships, and providing a supportive framework for young people's emotional well-being.
Effective Communication: Master effective communication techniques to create a safe and supportive environment where young people feel heard, understood, and valued. Explore strategies to foster open dialogue and genuine connections.
Navigating Survival Responses:
Understanding Survival Responses: Explore the flight, fight, freeze, or flop responses in young individuals facing threatening situations. Develop a toolkit of techniques to appropriately respond to each survival response, ensuring young people feel understood, safe, and supported in regulating their emotions.
Promoting Positive Parenting Practices:
Impact of Parenting Styles: Analyse the influence of different parenting approaches on a young person's development. Identify effective strategies for promoting positive parenting practices that support healthy emotional and behavioral growth. Nurturing Relationships: Explore how nurturing relationships can positively shape a young person's emotional well-being. Learn to create a nurturing environment that fosters a sense of security and belonging.
Trauma-Informed Support:
Understanding Trauma: Gain insights into how trauma, including domestic violence and child abuse, can shape a young person's behavior and emotions. Explore trauma-informed approaches to support healing and growth, fostering resilience and well-being.
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